Kamis, 04 April 2013

Music & Fun - Karaoke Via PC

Karaoke is great fun entertainment for people who like to sing. Do you also have a hobby of singing?. If you like singing, you should read this article to complete.

I never play the midi format songs and my friend liked the song. Incidentally she loves to sing and he asked me to put a microphone to my laptop. he would sing with the midi songs at the time.

He complained after singing some lyrics. It seems there is something wrong with the midi track that I play. He asked me to remove the voice tone of the song. I am so confused, how to remove that?. Finally I asked him to sing another song that without voice-tone. After singing a few songs, my friend returned to his house.

Soon I open firefox and find solutions to eliminate the voice-tone on the midi. Finally I found the solution. Turning out the voice tone can be done by deleting permanently or just mute it. The easiest way and be my recommendation is by Muting and Soloing of individual MIDI channels. Voice tone should not be deleted permanently. So, how to do it?.
  1. Install midi player which has a feature to mute midi channel/track on your computer. There are a lot of software that we can use. But the most easy to use and does not burden the computer, which I know is Freeware Player named Vanbasco Karaoke Player. If you do not have, please download it here. This is the Vanbasco Karaoke Player Screenshoot: Vanbasco karaoke Player
  2. Muting and Soloing of individual MIDI channels This is screen shoot for midi output that can be used for Muting and Soloing of individual MIDI channels
    Now select one track and than click red button on the selected track. example: If you click red button right on the Fingered Bs. The bass track will muted. as well as another track
You should know that this software can only run on windows os. So do not try to run it on another os

Vanbasco Karaoke Player supported features include:

  • Playback of standard MIDI (.mid, .midi), Microsoft RMID (.rmi) and Karaoke (.kar) files
  • Karaoke display: up to four lines of lyrics, full screen display
  • Piano display
  • Real-time display of notes, velocities, and patches
  • Playback of damaged files, whatever portions are readable
  • Drag&Drop support
  • Files can be managed in an unlimited number of playlists
  • Shuffle- and Scan-Modes
  • On-the-fly change of tempo, volume, and key
  • Muting and Soloing of individual MIDI channels
I assume you have practiced this article and you succeed. That's it for this article. Regards friendship.

Rabu, 03 April 2013

Cara Rekaman Sendiri di Kamar

Asal sudah punya laptop, rekaman nggak harus keluar biaya lagi. Hasil rekaman nanti disimpan dalam format mp3 biar support ama player musik ponsel........... Jika perlu hasil rekamannya di jadiin ringtone...
kan keren sob....... :D

Judul postingnya aja  "Cara Rekaman Sendiri di Kamar". Bisa di kamar mandi, kamar tidur, kamar pembantu dan kamar apa aja deeeh.... yang penting muat sama tubuh sobat ditambah laptopnya.........

Cara lengkapnya baca di sini sob...........

Karaoke dan Rekaman Pakai Laptop

Berbagi dikit aaaaaah......... tentang karaokean dan rekaman buat sobat-sobat yang hobi karaoke dan rekam-rekaman. Modalnnya cukup laptop dan headset yang include microphone, serta beberapa software pendukungnya.

Langkah-langkahnya seperti ini:
  1. Hidupin laptopnya sob........
    Kalau mau karaokean pakai laptop ya harus di hidupin laptopnyeeeeeeee...........
  2. Tancepin colokan headset dan microphone pada lubangnyeeeeeeee.....
  3. Download Vanbasco Karaoke Player lalu install.........
  4. Download Wavpad lalu install.
Headsetnya yang seperti ini ya sob, yang biasa dipake buat chatting ntuuuuuu........
Nah.........., kalau sudah 4 langkah diatas sudah di langkahi, berarti saat ini sobat sudah berada tepat di muka pintu ruang karaoke........ tinggal masuk ajaaaaaaa........

Sekarang sobat putar lagu kesayangan sobat, tapi yang extensinya .MID alias midi sequencer. Kalau belum punya lagu-lagu midi sobat bisa download di siniiiiiii........... lalu putar midi hasil download ntu dengan vanbasco karaoke player. Sobat dengerin lagunya pakai headset dan microphone ntu buat rekam suara sobat...........

Rekamnya pake software yang namanya wavpad tadi............

Mudah kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan???????..........

Karaoke cuma pakai laptop dan pakai software yg ringan-ringan pulaaaaaaa........... Suara hasil rekaman top maryokop deeeeeh pokoknyeeeeeeeeee........... jaminaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnn mutu..........